We have new premises for our operations – well, not really, it is the location that has a NEW NAME – Pasadena High School is no more; from the start of the new school year it has been named…………

With a new motto, Igniting Inquisitive Imagination, it is off to a new life!
Books for Lesotho wishes the school community a great future under the new name and operating with renewed vigour. Based on the experience some of us had at annual Presentation Ceremony (see below), the spirit in the school is alive and well, and it deserves to thrive.
Well, at the time, December 2018, it was still so called (see above).
David and Liz Linn and Rob Langley (pictured sporting the trophy with School Principal, Ms Wendy House) attended the ceremony at the inviation of the school, and were amazed when Books for Lesotho Inc. was awarded “Valued Volunteer”. We are pleased to be warmly welcomed users of The Barn, courtesy of The School.

The Barn was closed during January to allow volunteers to have a break. Even so, there was still a lot going on over the period: books were still being delivered by arrangement, and the 2019 shipment for Transformation Resource Centre (7 pallets/116 boxes/16,880 books) left The Barn. The shipment arrived at TRC on 15th March 2019 – another triumph for B4L and our shipping agents; thank you.

I have written previously that B4L receives donations of books from too many sources to be able to list and thank each one here. One of the most prolific donors is the Lions Club of Glenunga Bookmart. During February David and Liz collected a large number of boxes; Lions Club member Yee Cheng Leong helped with the loading.
The source of inspiration for Books for Lesotho Inc. came from ‘Me Mosa Muso who was Librarian atTransformation Resource Centre (TRC) when David and Liz visited Lesotho in 2006. It is Mosa who had the dream to establish a library in every school in the country. Below, Mosa is pictured with her husband in Welcom, South Africa. After reading the December Newsletter, Mosa sent the following message:
Seasons greetings.
I read with great interest the newsletter which I would like to receive as long as you publish it. It’s very informative concerning the events that eventually lead to the arrival of the books at TRC.
I would like to give my thanks to these individuals who sacrifice their time for Lesotho children.
There is something that indeed fascinates me that is your continuous support to collect the books at the same time fundraising. Please let these energy never stop until all schools understand the importance of reading. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2019!

The Lesotho Child Counselling Unit in Mazenod shelters children needing support. LCCU has received books from B4L.’Me Lydia Muso, who is the founder and key worker (the “mother” of the house), sent us these images.
he Lesotho Child Counselling Unit in Mazenod shelters children needing support. LCCU has received books from B4L.’Me Lydia Muso, who is the founder and key worker (the “mother” of the house), sent us these images.
I read an on-line sponsored article in InDaily on 23 Jan 2019. What caught my eye was:
“Here are some things we know:
- Our attentions function differently in the contemporary era and we need to work both with and against thatfact in order to ensure we can benefit from the cognitive reward of reading long-form text.
- Reading is a skill that uses the brain as a muscle and this can be exercised and trained. Just because we find itdifficult to read Middlemarch doesn’t mean it always has to be this way. Every difficult activity can benefitfrom building up, training, practicing and not giving up.
- The benefits of long form, immersive reading on the brain, the imagination, creative capacity, empathy, on the intellect, are significant and should be sought out.
- As with other exercises, we form habits by making choices and sticking with them. Committing to reading when we are distracted by other claims on our attention is something we can develop.
- Persevering with reading even when it is challenging has significant cognitive pay-offs. This must be balanced with the idea that finding the right book for the right person is the most important thing.
- When students start a university degree, they need to be ready for the challenge of reading works that aren’t designed to grab them, to have hooks, to be “relatable”
From: Why students need to be good readers, by Kate Douglas, Professor of English and Dr Tully Barnett, Lecturer in Creative Enterprise both at Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia
At the February meeting of the Board, Deane Kemp tendered his resignation as a Director. Deane joined the Board in June 2016 and has made a significant contribution in that position. Thank you, Deane.Mr Rob Langley (a key volunteer at The Barn) was co-opted to fill the vacancy. Ms Meg Coupland had offered her services to B4L and the Board co-opted her to fill one other vacant position. We welcome each of you to the Board.
Books for Lesotho Inc. welcomes donations of suitable books at any time. There is a pressing need for books (fiction and non-fiction) at Year 7 to Year 10 level (or ages 12 to 14) – they continue to be in short supply.
Monetary donations are used to cover shipping costs from Australia to Lesotho; we do not purchase books.
The budget for 2018/19 is $15,029 (about 60c per book). Between 01 July 2018 and 20 March 2019, donations total $13,811, of which, the Mitcham Exercise Group has collected $773 (to end of February.)
The Board recently approved sending the 4th pallet (now being packed) to the Rotary Club of Maloti (RCoMa) even though it potentially places us in a deficit position this year. However, we are now only $1,200 short of covering the annual budget; can you help us meet the target before 30 June?
Thank you to all who have made a donation this financial year.
In Lesotho, both TRC and RCoMa have requested Lesotho Revenue Authority to allow B4L shipments to enter duty free – so far without success. Meanwhile, both TRC and RCoMa have advised that each will pay Lesotho duty (if applicable) and charges for customs clearance – a wonderful contribution and a sign of commitment to the project .
David Linn
Chairman, Books for Lesotho Inc.