The 12th shipment of books to the Transformation Resource Centre (TRC) in Lesotho was celebrated at TRC at a ceremony on 23 May 2019. 16,880 books were distributed to 15 primary schools, 39 high schools, a community library and the Juvenile Training Centre in Maseru. Several boxes in the shipment were sent to community organisations needing books to support their local program including in Morija, a youth drop-in centre and an art school both in Morija and Lesotho Child Counselling Unit at Mazenod. Image left shows the boxes being unloaded at TRC.
The 2nd shipment of 4 pallets (11,087 books) destined for community and school projects conducted by the Rotary Club of Maloti left The Barn on 24th of May (image on the left).

We reported in the last newsletter that the Board approved sending the full shipment to the Rotary Club of Maloti (RCoMa) even though a deficit was in sight. However, due to some wonderful extra donations we can report that a surplus has been achieved. The budget for 2018/19 was $15,029 (about 60c per book). Between 01 July 2018 and 30 June 2019, donations totalled $15,738.30 of which, the Mitcham Exercise Group collected $1,167.60 ($1,192.15 last year). In addition, a grant of $10,000 was received from a private organisation, the Lang Foundation. This grant provides a wonderful basis for 2019/20 operations as we do not expect the same level of “normal” donations as was experienced in 2018/19.
Thank you to all who have made a donation this financial year.
In Lesotho, both TRC and RCoMa have requested Lesotho Revenue Authority allow B4L shipments to enter duty free – so far without success. Meanwhile, both organisations have advised that each will pay charges for customs clearance and any Lesotho duty – a wonderful contribution and a sign of their commitment to the project. This undertaking by TRC and RCoMa signifies an increase in the in-country commitment to the project as well as lightening the financial load on Books for Lesotho Inc..
David and Liz have a wonderful friend in Lesotho, Nthatuoa, who happens to work at TRC. She recently sent this encouraging message: “The book donation celebration was wonderful. The Principal Secretary from the Department of Basic Education and Training attended and gave a speech which I found to be very interesting. We thank you again and again, you and your Team members for the large annual shipment of books.”
Putting the needs of the people of Lesotho into an international context, I noted in a recent report from United Nations Development Program ( that Lesotho is listed at 159 out of 189 countries on the Human Development Index. Surely this supports the in-country view that this is a “nation-buildingproject”. (By the way, Australia comes in at number 3.)
The Barn operates with 8 volunteers each Wednesday morning, although with holidays, house moving and the odd illness that “oldies” seem to attract, and toadd the endless lunches and morning teas that some of our number give as an excuse to be absent, we are sometimes down to 3!
We had help for 2 sessions from Nadia Clancy, who was at the time the Labor candidate for Boothby. The image shows Nadia sorting books at The Barn with regular volunteer Jill Read. We hope we will see Nadia again.

At the May meeting of the Board, Meg Coupland resigned due to a family issue. The Board accepted the resignation with great regret. At the same meeting, Caillan Williams was co-opted to fill the vacant position. We welcome Caillan to the Board.
Books for Lesotho Inc. welcomes donations of suitable books at any time. There is an on-going need for books (fiction and non-fiction) at Year 7 to Year 10 level (or ages 12 to 14) – they continue to be in short supply.
Monetary donations are used to cover shipping costs from Australia to Lesotho; we do not purchase books.
David Linn
Chairman, Books for Lesotho Inc.